December 27, 2010

Evergreens & Feathers

    Of the myriad of reasons to be giddy at Christmas time, the prospect of giving gifts is the singular activity of the season that gets me the most excited and impatient.  I spend a great deal of time contemplating what to get each family member and friend, making sure to get them something they will love, cherish and get some use out of.  It is my most welcomed challenge of the year, though this year added an obvious, though previously overlooked element to that excitement. 
    This holiday season it occurred to me, due to my dearest friends who are unfailingly creative every moment of their lives that if I’m this excited about giving gifts, I should put the effort in making the wrapping just as enticing as what is inside of it!  My idea formed very organically, mum had picked up a few swags to hang on our doors – I love a good swag – and a vision flashed in my head to shrink them down and make a bespoke bow out of the seasons greens and added feathers to mix the media.  Hoping to have these stand out, the usual patterned gift wrap and ribbon was swapped out for simple craft paper and twine.  I love the rustic, Adirondack-y way that they turned out, especially next to the aeriums filled with mosses and succulents and the glass encased feather ornaments.  Incidentally, the bows and string were quickly recycled as stylish necklaces and boutonnières upon being received. Now I have two welcomed challenges of the season, though I cannot guarantee that they will double as accessories each time!