This post is going to be sloppy and awkward because I'm in one of those moods for a simple train-of-thought style writing.
There is no other way to put it. I have been neglectful as can be. In my defense, however, the past few months have been the nutty-est of nutty. Big life changes. New job, moved to Williamsburg (and am obsessed and never going back to manhattan ever, ever EVER), among other life changes, such as now being a quarter century old. It has been a giant adjustment period and I am still working out the kinks, finalizing details, plotting decorating ideas and hopefully finding serenity in my new place before spring. In lue of an actual post, which I am brainstorming but haven't gotten my place up to photo-ready quality for y'all, let me share with you at least some fun facts about my new place. We will go from least exciting and or shocking to most exciting and or shocking:
1.) the space is huge. I mean the rug that used to take up my entire living room now only takes up less than half of it. This is exciting but in the end just boils down to more places for me to put things when I dont want to put them away, and more places for Toby to get his snooze on.
2.) the sink is huge, and there are 2 of them. Anyone who loves to be in the kitchen knows that a big sink is a serious luxury. My old sink used to be 6 inches deep and would look piled high with dishes every 3rd day. This new sucker is over 1.5 feet deep and has a separate sink for the drying rack to go in. I mean really, this is ideal. Except sometimes I let it go for a scoach too long.
3.) There is light!! My old apartment had 5 windows, 3 of which were teensy and faced brick walls, and none ever let in any sunlight except at around 2pm in the summer months when for about 15 minutes the angle of the sun allowed a crack of light down the breezeway between my building and the neighbors. It was such a sad state. Now I have 2 big windows in the bedroom and one in the kitchen that face South and get amazing light all day, 2 in the living room that let in light but not glaring, obnoxious light, and one in the bathroom that is weird and covered in ivy and I cant open it because its too cold but if I close it the steam from my shower never leaves....its a conundrum window.
4.) I have a squirrel. His name is Arthur. If you've seen Disneys "The Sword in the Stone" you get it, if not...well go watch it, its cute and slightly historical and Merlin the wizard is in it. Anyways Arthur has kind of set up shop under my air conditioner, on top of my window sill (outside, of course). He rustles around under there and Toby gets confused and scared. I like arthur because on weekend mornings I roll up the blinds by my bed, let the morning light in and just chill there for an hour or so, and then head to Marlow & Sons for an iced coffee and a scone with Toby, and I get a bag of roasted nuts for Arthur. I leave the nuts on the fire escape outside of the window and he comes and munches and says hi and I think he's peachy.
5.) There is room for all of my clothing. ALL OF IT! Previous apartment had shoe boxes stacked in corners in an attempt at organization but it just looked like I'd outgrown my space. New apartment has a coat closet, a regular closet, and I was able to fit an 8 drawer dresser along with a wardrobe in there. I mean come on. There's an entire closet space in the wardrobe just devoted to my shoe boxes. Como se dice: ideal?
6.) Pantry. PANTRY, PEOPLE!!! Now if only I had time to go to the grocery store.
7.) It's haunted. Thats the shocker one. This is an actual picture I took of the stairs up to my door. Juuuuusst kidding I stole it from wikipedias "Ghost" page. But whoever the spirit is, they seem ok with me, though slightly mischievous My first encounter was watching a movie in bed. I need some sort of dialogue going on in order to fall asleep, something to distract me from whatever dialogue of my own I might get consumed in that will keep me awake. So I was listening to a movie with the screen off trying to fall asleep, and all of the sudden the screen comes back on. I didn't press any buttons, no function was going on with the computer that it needed to alert me about...nada. Turned it off again. 5 minutes later its on again. Repeat this 3 times over several nights and color me suspicious. Then Toby started sleeping weird. He's always growled in his sleep or done little barks, but ever since we moved in here he will now wag his tail in his sleep. I mean full on, smacking the ground like it's a drum, no way that doesn't hurt a little kind of tail wag while sleeping. I don't know how he doesn't wake himself up with such loud wagging, and I can only assume this ghost is petting him in his sleep, because this has NEVER been something he's done even once before. There are also weird smells. Not bad ones, just inexplicable ones. I'll come home and my front hall will smell heavily like perfume, like someone just applied it and is standing in front of me. The rub? No one is there, all of my perfume is in the bathroom, I didn't put perfume on that day and the area where perfume lives in my place doesn't smell, so where is this smell coming from? I'll tell you where it's coming from: the ghost. Apparently it's a she, and apparently she likes to bathe in perfume. I'll also often go into my bathroom, the door of which I keep closed, and it will smell like something a bathroom shouldn't smell like. For example, this evening my bathroom smells like chicken soup with rosemary. Zero explanation. Previously it has smelled heavily of lavender though I don't have any lavender anything (which is weird and I should change that soon). And to really hammer it home, I've been touched. I was in the shower, rinsing out the shampoo with my eyes closed and I felt something touch the outside of my thigh. I figure it was the shower curtain, sometimes a draft blows it inwards and it sticks. When I opened my eyes and looked down the shower curtain wasn't touching me, wasn't moving even, but I could still feel the pressure of something (that looked like nothing) touching my thigh. Needless to say, I'm thinking about getting the place cleansed by a friend of a friend who is studying Reiki right now, just incase this spirit is malevolent and just gearing up for the big show. YOU NEVER KNOW PEOPLE!
Either way, I really love living here. I like coming home to this place. I like cooking here, I like taking baths in my tub because it fills up super quick, I like all the weird things that give this place character. It's such a solid old structure too. I'm pretty sure it was built in the 30's. At the very least it was built in the 50's because I'm fairly certain my oven is at least that old :)
Thanks for visiting! Whatever I'm making in the kitchen has been inspired by something, whether is was something I swooned over at a restuarant, something I perused on a menu or something I ran across in my daily travels. This is where I'm chronicling that eatspiration and translation, whilst simultaneously trying not to chop, scald, or puree my fingers off in the process! (High hopes, people, high hopes)
November 30, 2011
September 1, 2011
One thing that every apartment dweller will tell you is that when you don’t have a ton of space to work with, creative storage solutions are key. When I first moved to New York, I made a point to only buy furniture that had a storage element to it. My entire bedframe lifts up to reveal a storage space where the box spring should be as well as space underneath the bed for rolling storage bins, my TV table is a credenza where I store candles, books and pictures, my couch is a daybed for overnight guests with drawers beneath where I keep extra sheets, books and crafting supplies, and I’ve devoted an entire small dresser to jewelry storage. I know that it sounds a little nutty to have a jewelry dresser, but when you have a jewelry fetish such as mine, a jewelry box is like a 1 bedroom apartment for a family the size of the Duggars (aren’t they around 20 kids and counting now? You see my point, always growing, space is at a premium).
I haven’t outgrown my space yet, but certain pieces always end up out of the dresser more than they are in, so I wanted to get something to allow me to have those pieces in easy reach to grab on my way out rather than search through drawers and trays to find them.
Enter the Elk. I saw this pretty baby, by Twos Company, on Burke Decor’s website (a pretty snazzy home goods website that I’ve found myself perusing often since discovering it a few months ago). While they display it as a modern and humane take on a mounted animal head (of which they also have deer, gazelle, rhino and ram), I saw much more in store for him. Thus, he became my unexpected take on a jewelry display.
Now my heavy-rotation jewelry doesn’t have to just lay on the dresser, but hangs nicely off of his antlers, waiting for me to snag that one last necklace, bracelet or ring to throw on on my way out of the door (these days Chanels old adage of “always take one thing off before you leave the house” can be shelved until the terms “arm/neck party” are no longer heavily used in the fashion scene). He does his job well. So well, in fact, that I should probably name him so that I can thank him for his effort by telling him how dashing he looks in my jewelry and thank you ever so much for letting me borrow it back for the day. I think I’ll go with....Elton the Elk.
Now my heavy-rotation jewelry doesn’t have to just lay on the dresser, but hangs nicely off of his antlers, waiting for me to snag that one last necklace, bracelet or ring to throw on on my way out of the door (these days Chanels old adage of “always take one thing off before you leave the house” can be shelved until the terms “arm/neck party” are no longer heavily used in the fashion scene). He does his job well. So well, in fact, that I should probably name him so that I can thank him for his effort by telling him how dashing he looks in my jewelry and thank you ever so much for letting me borrow it back for the day. I think I’ll go with....Elton the Elk.
Frugal Flowers.
When one lives on the Upper East Side, especially when said one is not of the financial prowess of the typical Upper East Side dweller, one learns quickly that most lovely things used to decorate the home in this neighborhood are quite pricey. Case and point: Diane James floral arrangements.
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Photo courtesy of Gracious Home |
I was perusing Gracious Home’s Bed & Bath store one day when I spotted a slew of lovely floral arrangements, and was very pleasantly surprised to see that they were silk flowers in a hardened substance made to look like water. What genius! Beautiful arrangements that you never have to change the water for or see whither and die! The only maintenance on them was dusting them off! This was certainly something I could justify purchasing, right? Oh, so very wrong. To my chagrin, the price tag on these lovelies was anywhere between $350 for a small arrangement to nearly $600 for a dining room sized one! Feeling a bit peeved at the audacity of their price tag, I set out to stick it to them by doing it myself, doing a better job at it, and doing it for much, much cheaper.
I knew where to get silk flowers and vases, having pleasantly stumbled into the flower district before, so I started where I always start: the internet. I googled every possible combination of words to describe what I’d seen until I finally discovered this magical little epoxy that hardens to resemble water. I quickly ordered some and set out to find suitable silk flowers. After purchasing, arranging, and nervously mixing and pouring the epoxy (I was never a whiz at chemistry so mixing sticky chemicals has me a bit on edge), what came out was a lovely pink peony arrangement that my mother quickly coveted and then commandeered from my apartment to adorn her newly decorated bedroom.
Taking the hint that I had a certain knack for this flower arranging business, I began making these arrangements, taking floral inspiration wherever I could find it. The particular one below is one I made for my grandmother on her birthday. Modeled after Kate Middleton, the new Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding bouquet and my grandmothers love of lily of the valley, I was quite smitten with the outcome of this particular piece. The highest of compliments came when I was transporting the gift to my grandmothers home, and was asked by two women if I was bringing the bouquet home from a wedding. When I replied that I had thrown it together myself with no training in floral arranging, AND that it would never die, I was met with utter bewilderment and questions of commissioned pieces. I think the moral of the story in this case is: if you can’t afford it, make it, and in turn, surprise yourself with a previously unforeseen talent! Recession-proof decorating at it’s best!
March 21, 2011
A Place to Place.
I recently found a good hallway table at a decent price on Rue La La, and after waiting 2 weeks for it to ship, its here! I feel slightly guilty that I had to do away with Tobys Man-Nook in order to fit it, but quite frankly, Toby prefers the couch to his dog bed any day, and I was tired of walking into my apartment and immediately looking around for somewhere to throw my keys. So far it is serving its purpose beautifully, and has afforded some much-needed space to put pictures of friends, family, and me when I was young and looked strange (always important to have a sense of humor about yourself). It’s also Captain Jacks new real estate! I think he’s happy with it, he’s been quite inquisitive checking out his new view.
March 14, 2011
No. 4651
Last summer on a trip upstate I came across hemp sacks draped over the porch railing. Upon investigation, these were cocoa sacks from the Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). While I don’t know what route they took to migrate to upstate New York, I do know that they were an interesting find, went perfectly with my apartments amalgamatory* theme of safari and nautical, and I wanted to frame one. I picked out the one with the lot number that most spoke to me (it was an odd process, but felt somehow crucial), and home No. 4651 and I went.
It wasn’t until Christmas time that I was able to get over my fear of what it would cost to custom-construct a 4.5x3’ frame, and took the sack into our local framers. I settled on a dark faux olive wood (the real olive wood price left me a bit woozy), and a chocolate linen matting to both allow the khaki of the sack to stand out and to compliment the emblems maroon color. The result is amazing. This piece looms in front of me in my bedroom, taking up the perfect amount of space on what was once a painfully empty wall. I think my favorite thing about it is the idea it exudes of taking something so rustically industrial, so utilitarian in purpose and re-presenting it to the eye as something to take notice of for its simple beauty. I suppose it is as close as I will get to dada.
The one thing that is bugging me, which was my own fault and choice, was that I asked the framer to not steam out the creases to make the sack flat and show the side-seams. There is a fold on the left side. It drives me a bit crazy when I look at it, but it’s an experiment in learning to accept and live with imperfection. I can finally say that my apartments decoration is complete, right in time for me to decide I’m moving to Brooklyn in October.
*I realize that amalgamatory is not quite a word that Webster feels like giving credit to, but sometimes I find it necessary to make words up in the spirit of getting across my true meaning.
January 3, 2011
Hey You!
Anyone who comes to my house in New Jersey knows that my mothers’ dog, Floyd (named after Pink Floyd, mums favorite band), loves to jump at the door to display his excitement over their arrival. Today’s arrival was my uncle; braving the treacherous snowmergency to plow us out. Here are a few shots I took of Floyd’s enthusiasm.
Is There Anybody Out There? |
Signs Of Life |
Learning to Fly |
The Dogs of War |
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