June 22, 2010

Second Day of Summer, Already Considering Fall Fashion, Typical.

I'm feeling rather neglectful of this blog lately. My last post left certain people objecting vehemently to my honesty, which is unfortunate. Alas, I can't seem to find the time for anything but the truth lately, anything else seems a gargantuan waste of time, and detrimental to creating a pride-of-self.

That short note being said, I wanted to switch to a more pleasant note. Since leaving W in the winter upon completion of my internship, I have begun a job at a company I gush over, ABC Carpet and Home, the gorgeous, eco-friendly home goods and furniture store just above Union Square (where I get to organically and locally produce shop every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and lunch on the days of favorable weather). It is sheer aesthetic and moral perfection (Deepak Chopra being a close friend of the company), and I never want to leave. But, I still check in on W every so often to see what they have to say about my undying love for sartorial exploration. Upon a not-so-recent search, I discovered my quintessential fall pump, to the chagrin of my savings, who thought I had all the shoes I could possibly need--but then, fashion should rarely be about a "need", but a "want-to-need-to-have-to-have", I believe. And here they are, for your viewing pleasure and my future strutting through Union Square pleasure:

I may have to go with the knee highs simply because I have yet to own 5 feet of continuous shoelace.

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