Everyone who knows me, knows I have a two major penchants: objects that no one else will have, and jewelry. My perfect store to continue the search in is
catbird, a tiny little boutique in Williamsburg, Brooklyn that faithfully stocks their antique china cabinets with charming, off-beat jewelry and old-fashioned homegoods. Hoping to finish up my Christmas shopping, I ventured out on the L-train to my old neighborhood to see if I could find anything.
Ever-impressive, I walked into the store to find my eyes immediately gravitating towards a glowing emerald hue. When I found out that this necklace was made entirely of beetle wings strung on a gold chain, it was all over, Merry Christmas to me.

Cloven Hoof harvests, treats and strings these wings and then sends them out to only 2 other stores in the world. I can't imagine a necklace more interesting and beautiful than this, but I'm sure catbird will find it if it exists, and my jewelry dresser (yep, it's that intense of a penchant, I needed a dresser) will get another new tenant.
AND, inspired by the silhouette art book I just bought at
Archivia, my favorite local book store, I snagged this Peter Pan-esque piece, charmingly entitled "General Bumbum".
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