My pine and cedar candles are lit, the presents are wrapped and enticing looking, my bags are packed, all I have is one last day at W and I'm trouncing into the holidays! I didn't realize until this year that this is my favorite time of the year. Christmas time in New York is truly magical. I love the smells, the anticipation, hunting around for the perfect gifts, and most of all giving them!
Even though the current state of my family is...well, shambles, I'm doing my best to put that aside and look forward to everything else. I think that having Chris' family to spend time with on top of my mothers side is really helping. What definitely isn't helping is that the only place I had to put my gifts is on the two chairs flanking my sideboard, staring back at me every day, begging to be presented to their respective recipients! (exhibit A below)
I've been bubbling with excitement since I first started getting gifts, and I'm boiling over now! The events are just waiting for me: Mr. Amato's Christmas party at the warehouse on Tuesday (jolly yet intimidating Italian men, loads of catering and I'm surrounded by the most impressive classic car collection anyone has ever witnessed? Yes please!), PJ's Birthday part deux on Wednesday, Christmas amuse bouche with Pj and Lexi on Thursday, Mum's family on Christmas day and Chris' Christmas night, then preparation for my New Years party! I just got shivers.
I can't wait to have the time to embrace my Mum's family, my friends, and Chris's fam, and I hope everyone reading is as excited as I am, and has just as much to look forward to if not more! Happy Holidays everyone!
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