July 15, 2009

New tricks for old kicks

I went to shopbop today on auto-pilot to see the editors fall must-haves, hoping I could find something I adored and then figure out how to do it with what I already have. I didn't expect much, but, to my surprise, there it was, an amazing pair of pumps covered in deep emerald green feathers, overlapped to look like fish scales, yum. I have a pair of bum-around black pumps that I never wear because they're uncomfortable, I only got them so I had black pumps for occasions when I suspected the louboutins wouldn't make it out sans-spilled-drink-disaster. I also have a ton of feathers left over from a headress project from last summer. So, this weekend, between studying for a painful biology exam and job searching, I'll be creating a one-of-a-kind pump. And also ripping up a pair of white jeans I never wear, possibly making them skinny while I'm at it.

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